Surrounded by Gods, made to serve and protect its creators! A true lover of humanity! Created under compliance of The Consolidation's Artificial Intelligence Operations and Standards (AIOS) and Transrecieving laws, to ensure its behaviour is in our best interest for millennia to come. This machine predicts and prevents risks to human security that humans will never be able to pick up on. Except its started killing civilians, indiscriminately. Oddest of all, its programming is the same as ever, there is nothing wrong. An oddly empathetic machine, it can read your soul. Recently set its eyes on

HARPER: wait what
The Consolidation's unprecedented decision to realize the physical creation of THEROS cumulated from long history pertaining to anxieties regarding the rapid expansion of the increasingly out-of-control nation of S5. Consolidation technocrats thought it best to fight fire with fire. THEROS existed as a risk assessment program (EROS) for
3000 years prior to its
ISA: Older than that.
physical emergence towards the end of the Implosion wars.
When deployed, instead of securing complete victory on behalf of the Consolidation and Prosma, it instead brought to light the faulty basis for the war. The geology of Prosma's largest city, Tattarine, simply could not support its own weight and collapsed in on itself. It was not an attack carried out by S5. THEROS then advocated for the extension of S5 via a new planet, TU7, as both an apology and a "sandbox world to go nuts on". Consolidation technocrats had trouble understanding THEROS’ logic, but
ultimately trusts the machine they created.

Nowadays, THEROS is used with the hope of only acting as an

TEC: LOL!!!!!!!!
between S5 and other Consolidation nations, while still being equipped with the permissions to exert Consolidation authority when it deems S5 to have overstepped. The innovative culture of S5 cannot help but feel

TEC: Who?
by the bot, whilst holding the same disdain for it ultimately being a creation of the Consolidation, and ultimately inhuman.