Currently looking to dismantle his sister, Isa. Originally just a regular war criminal—pardoned after undergoing experimental Add-On tech that really should have killed him— "TEC" is now a "Planet Terraformer", colonizer or destroyer of celestial bodies. Cancelled on average about twice a year, each time the public hoping he’d have the same reaction as he did the first time (complete meltdown). As of late in good graces due to his efforts in resolving the nanotech crisis on Immunis-TU7.

TEC is RECON’s poster-boy and occasional spokesperson, with an incredibly rocky relationship. Assassinated LIVE around 6 times. Notorious not only for being one of the only individuals with the capacity to function with 3 Add-Ons (increasing his learning capabilities, reaction time and physical strength) but also because his body is more rapidly falling apart than the rest of ours. The body and Bridger just cannot compete with the Add-Ons of his brain. It's not sad, “I CAN JUST REPLACE IT. AND I DO. EVERY 6 MONTHS.”

It is important to note that despite his sickly skeletal appearance--
which women love
FAYRAZ: hiiiiii
(it is fashionable to appear human nowadays)--he does have the Add-On’s necessary for his fist to remove half your face. Does anyone remember when he mauled his boss? The people are forgetting.