Bridge technology refers to the ability to store and transfer human consciousness. Bridging is the fastest method for travel. As the saying goes, all bridgers are brains, but not all brains are bridgers. There are various Bridgers offered by differing companies. The most popular, and traditional, being RECON's AXIS, which most closely resembles the organic nervous system. The average human lifespan is 120 years, but with Bridger and shell technology, humans can exist ad infinitum.

Shells refers to the body in which a Bridger resides, in other words the vessel for which a human brain could function and animate the vessel.

Organic Shells: Organic Shells come from the sperm and egg of a Homo sapien or Homo astrum, naturally or artificially. ↳Species of organic humans

Synthetic Shells ↳More Information

Inhumans ↳Technological Shell Subsection